티스토리 뷰


Gimcheon Korean Antics

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 9. 12. 22:58

clay pots and jars

porcelain jars

herb tea in old style



Do you love checking out old stuffs or things from museums specially antic collections? We don't have to visit a museum as we can stay with Gimcheon Korean antics! The owner of 노적산방 has a room for collectables! We are amazed at their Gimcheon Korean antics, placed inside their traditional houses for rent! You have to try staying in a Korean traditional house that is more than 200 years old! It's an old house indeed!



Here are some of their collections. They look pretty. I love collecting things, too! Share this!



We really enjoyed this warm herb tea made in an old way. You have to visit the quiet village, book your accommodation and explore the green surroundings of the city! Enjoy with family or friends!



Relax, have fun, savor the moment and feel the difference! We loved it!



Come, enjoy and share Gimcheon Korean Antics!
