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The Meg Review

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 9. 22. 20:16

enormously dangerous

it's not your ordinary shark

it's a monster shark



We were so thrilled with this enormous shark from the movie The Meg! Actually, we're up to more intense shark attack, but the excitement just rotates with the size of the shark, of course some unexpected events or attacks. Me, I was expecting something I would not forget about the movie.



But, I think they made it less scarier for some reasons. Thinking it's gigantic is enough to thrill viewers though. Have you watched the movie? How's The Meg review I got here? So far, so good?



We look forward to watching the next part! Like, the family shark escaped from the deeper ocean. So, the baby and mommy sharks are killed and daddy shark is pissed. So, there's something bigger, or biggest!



You'll feel sad because some people are eaten, you'll feel thrilled and a bit scared. Watch it with friends! Post your comments about The Meg review and be sure to watch and share! It's wow!



Watch, enjoy and share The Meg Review!
