티스토리 뷰


Daegu Fancy Restaurant

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 12. 29. 23:03

rose pasta and thick steak

bounty loaded

very tasty and appetizing



Wow, look at that! I am so drooling all over again! This is one of the best steaks ever! As you see the super thick meat deliciously put over this unique flat stone garnished with bounty loaded fries and vegetables! I super enjoyed the grilled pineapple as well. The steak comes with 2 tasty dips and special salt.



Another thing to savor in this Daegu fancy restaurant is this pink pasta! Wow, it's creamy savory delicious! It has coconut milk, shrimps and they use rose for pink coloring I believe. It is so good!



Look at the marbled table where you can see my refreshing cold drink and very tasty colorful vegetable salad. I was so excited eating all, from salad to pink pasta to this bounty steak, wow I want it again!



They got different styles of table set up, you can choose and sit comfortably. It feels like home, so clean and bright. This is a highly recommended Daegu fancy restaurant! It is well-ventilated and really homey.



Olala, so creamy savory indeed! Pink pasta is really fancy and taste so enjoyably! Visit Get 201 now!



The tasty sauces for steak really satisfy my taste bud! Share this delicious Get 201 with family and friends!



Come on now, savor and share this Daegu Fancy Restaurant!
