티스토리 뷰


My Best Nail Shop

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 8. 15. 10:10

very good service

many nail designs to choose from

loved it!



I'll recommend this beauty shop because they have very good service like no other! The staffs are kind and cheerful, they won't run out of stories to tell and won't let you feel bored! So far, this is my best nail shop!



But, what I really appreciate is how they care my nails. They kept asking me if they hurt my nails or if I was comfortable. I liked it. Two manicurists did my nails, they love what they do.



You can see many nail designs to choose from, or show them your design. They will do it very well.



The beauty shop is a happy place for all types of women. I loved it! 미인들의 놀이터 is my best nail shop! Visit Gyeongju city and have a memorable nails day! Share this beauty news to girl friends!



Come, enjoy and share My Best Nail Shop!
