티스토리 뷰


Daegu Best Choice Pasta

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 11. 17. 22:31

savory and tasty

clean and relaxing place

picture perfect spots



For the love of pasta, you have to try this loaded plate of goodness! This is one of my Daegu best choice pasta and steaks that I highly recommend! The pasta is in savory tasteful madness you'll surely love!



Plus the steak and salad as well as appetizers are super enjoyable like no other! We loved it!



Another thing to put an awe to is the setting, it feels like home. The restaurant is so clean and cozy giving you a relaxing vibe. Plus there are picture perfect spots for you to enjoy so come on now!



Share this delicious news to everyone and let them know this one is Daegu best choice pasta for family and friends! We love the ambience and the food is great! It's just fantastic! I want it again!



Come on now at Chef & Table, savor and share my Daegu Best Choice Pasta!
