티스토리 뷰


Daegu Flat Rock Grill

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 12. 1. 18:49

super loaded and tasty

juicy and tender

best in town



Korean barbecue is very popular as it is super loaded and very tasty just like this! Now, this one is quite unique as you see. We have this must try Daegu flat rock grill you'll surely savor barbecuing with loved ones! Yep, it's a big flat rock that is going to barbecue your favorite meats and seafood! Hurry, savor now with love!



Here is our big platter super loaded to barbecue deliciously! As you see the picture above we grill everything like that, including tasty side dishes specially kimchi. Wow, it makes me drool! It is so good with pork barbecue! I am so craving for more now! Daegu flat rock grill is indeed a must try in town!



Now, here is our savory delicious mixed rice! It is perfect with our barbecue and we loved it!



Tasty side dishes are unlimited! Now, that is how we really enjoy Korean barbecues! We really savor side dishes with the barbecue and enjoy it in Korean style! You must try it, too! Come on now and share!



Come on now here, savor and share Daegu Flat Rock Grill!
