티스토리 뷰


Jumbo Loaded Meals Here

샬롯도블라도스 2019. 1. 21. 21:13

one big platter jumbo loaded

many tasty menus in one jumbo plate

one of the best snack bar in town!



Do you love carbonara or cream sauce pasta? Here is your special one and it is inside this big round bread! How creamy is that? It is creamy and saucy you'll surely love! Plus, there is more so read it!



Oh, yes look at that big platter bounty loaded with tasty menus you'll definitely enjoy! Look at that savory delicious chicken barbecue with sunny side up, cream pasta with a twist, vegetable salad and heart-shaped rice! It is indeed one of the delicious jumbo loaded meals here! So, come on now with loved ones!



This refreshing cold drink is in jumbo size, they put two straws for us because it is good to share!



They serve many tasty food; we have plenty of jumbo loaded meals here! While waiting for our special order, they serve marsh mallows for us to melt with this little candle and we enjoyed having it!


If you want something big like that, come over at this place with family and friends! One of the best snack bars in Daegu city! We savored our food, it was a heavy meal for me. It tasted so good and enjoyable!



Here's your cute map to locate the place! It was not that hard to find it. Hurry and savor now!



Enjoy jumbo combo meals here! It is just so good, superb! Don't forget to share this delish news!



Come on now, savor and share Jumbo Loaded Meals Here!


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