티스토리 뷰


My Kind of Korean Meal

샬롯도블라도스 2019. 3. 11. 20:57

super bounty loaded

super tasty side dishes tag along

savor all in one meal



Yes look at that, now this is indeed my kind of Korean meal I will gladly recommend to all. I really savored this traditional meal with my husband and I so loved it! You be the judge, I cannot explain more as this picture tells it all! As we all know, Korean food is so tasty and very enjoyable! Plus, my rice was cooked in a bamboo. So, it is unique and indeed also enjoyable! So, come on now and share this with loved ones!



Visit this Korean restaurant for super bounty loaded Korean traditional meal like that. As you can see the picture above, we can savor my kind of Korean meal with family and friends! Hurry, visit now!



The set up is like this. We have a long table and as you see group can savor all together! The place is clean and well-ventilated. The place is really good for groups. You can also try it solo.



Here is the big list of menus with tags! As you see prices range from $5-$60 and reasonable.



Come on now, savor and share My Kind of Korean Meal!
